Underpinning a €50m Financing Agreement with the Government of Jordan supporting the rule of law, the EU sought to address challenges identified in the Jordanian Justice Reform Sector Strategy 2017-2021, which include: limited access to justice; coordination of justice administration, policy dialogue and interoperability between the judicial and security actors; and the capacity and effectiveness of justice administration, management and infrastructures. Within the overall Programme, the EU supported the Justice sector through a budget support programme with three specific objectives:  Contribute to enhance the independence, accountability and specialisation of the judicial power; Support the improvement of cashflow management, effectiveness and information efficiency in the criminal justice chain; Contribute to improve the management and public service delivery in the Justice Sector. Our team developed a clear assessment of progress of Jordan’s implementation of developments/reforms in the anticipated field under all three tranches. Project funded by the EU under the European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument (ENPI) programme.