Complex challenges posed by global warming and climate change are a growing concern for policy makers across the world. There is an urgent need for a coherent effort and action by governments and development partners globally to ensure low carbon climate resilient economic development.  

Policies and reforms at regional, national and local levels are increasingly focused towards moving to a climate neutral economy with an emphasis on reducing greenhouse gases, adopting green policies, building climate resilient infrastructure and at the same time maintaining sustainable economic growth. We are also seeing an increasing trend of investment in areas of clean and renewable technology with commitment from both businesses and governments to adopt more environmentally friendly practices while creating sustainable economic opportunities.  

 The European’s Union Green Deal is one important demonstration of how a region can aim to overcome the existential threat of climate change / environmental degradation and transition towards a more sustainable economy. The EU set its targets to reduce domestic greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 % by 2030 and to reach a competitive, low-carbon economy by 2050.  

AARC supports countries / development partners in the EU and across the globe to develop climate friendly governance policies, enhance their capacities to manage climate risk and achieve their sustainable development goals. AARC’s specific expertise in this area ranges from Green Finance, Developing Circular Economy Strategies, Reducing Emissions, Energy Efficiency, Waste & Water Management, Air Pollution , Green Development and Implementing JustTransitions plans